Is this the Best the Montana GOP has to Offer?

by jhwygirl

Roy Brown, Republican candidate for Governor (along with is buddy Steve Daines) offered up this decisive position on Rick Jore’s constitutional initiative which seeks to give rights to human embryos:

Brown says he is undecided about a proposed constitutional initiative that would define a person as “a human being at all stages of human development or life, including the state of fertilization.” Brown says he is against abortion but wants to make sure that initiative would really help.

Boy, that’s taking a position.

Jore announced his initiative back in mid-November 2007.

Brown must really reading up on Montana issues.

Brown also took a strong stance on healthcare for Montana’s children:

Brown also says he is undecided on a proposed ballot measure to extend health coverage to uninsured children. He says he would prefer to let the free market solve the insurance problem.

Wow. Undecided. And, yep, that free market sure shows signs of helping solve the issue.

I know – maybe Roy Brown doesn’t know how to read.

Don Pogreba, Democratic candidate for the same office, took a position on the issues and how a Governor should behave:

Governors lead, Senator Brown. They don’t pander or hesitate.For the record, I absolutely oppose the former, and enthusiastically support the latter.

See how easy that is?

How’s that for decision?


On second thought – maybe Roy Brown does know how to read, and he’s just waiting on his campaign’s opinion polls to be delivered.

  1. Lamnidae

    Exactly my thoughts as I read these comments in the Billings Gazette today. Being a perennial worrier when election season rolls around, performances like these from Mr. Brown make me feel more confident that this race will be another slam dunk for Gov. Schweitzer.

  2. Binky Griptight

    What exactly IS the point of Roy Brown’s campaign? With the power of popularity, significant campaign finances and incumbency, it would seem likely Gov. Schweitzer will be re-elected.

    So, perhaps Mr. Brown could help re-build the Montana Republican Party? Help develop an alternative? Regroup the troops and give them something to believe in?

    Stand up and be counted, ya big wuss!

  3. goof houlihan

    You won’t have Roger Koopman and John Sinrud to kick around anymore.

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