Health Industry Lobbyists Spending $1.4 Million Per Day to Defeat Reform

by jhwygirl

….from an article over at the Washington post. (with a hat tip to Jamee Greer)
That kind of information leaves me a bit speechless – so much could be said…

The hirings are part of a record-breaking influence campaign by the health-care industry, which is spending more than $1.4 million a day on lobbying in the current fight, according to disclosure records. And even in a city where lobbying is a part of life, the scale of the effort has drawn attention. For example, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) doubled its spending to nearly $7 million in the first quarter of 2009, followed by Pfizer, with more than $6 million.

So aside from all there is to say about that, I have a question or two for PhRMA:

#1 How much is that going to increase my premium or how much is my employer going to have to cut out to mitigate that impending increase? When can we expect the bill?


#2 How many more jobs are going to be lost when you will be passing that cost onto large employers who don’t have the ability to make cuts in benefits?

I’m leaving now, before I say something obscene.

  1. Jim Lang

    This whole bogus health care reform ‘debate’ has upped my already dangerously high cynicism levels by about 1000%

    This clip

    is interesting not so much for the confrontational question put to Kathleen Sebelius, but for the comments of Dr. Crawford afterwards.

    Well, at least Baucus got a swift kick in the ass from Harry Reid today… that was fun to read about.

  2. Big Swede

    Money well spent.

  3. klemz

    There’s a peripheral issue here that’s maybe not so peripheral. If campaign finance obligations will not permit single payer reform, then do we just drain the tub and start over in 2012?

    This is useless.

    • JC

      “drain the tub”

      Is that a euphemism for throwing the rascals out? Or are you advocating something larger? Like revolution? If the latter, why wait until 2012? If the former, who would be the populist leader to pull the plug?

      • klemz

        No, I mean pull the plug on health care reform. I’d rather have the current system for a while longer then another middle-class-maligned welfare program that the GOP will use as a wedge issue to reassert itself in the next two elections.

        This whole thing has been so goddamn predictable it makes me ill.

        • JC

          That’s the way I felt when I first read Baucus’ white paper last fall. I knew that with him at the helm of Finance, it was going to get ugly.

          So I’ll repeat my mantra here about Baucus style reform:

          mandate + no public option = fascist health care system.

          The government forcing me to pay into a private insurance industry, with no public alternative, may be the final fascist/corporatist move this country makes. It will breed the ultimate contempt of the democratic party by the left, progressives, and many independents. The big tent will become tattered, and its parts scattered.

          And of course this is what republicans and conservatives want. And Baucus is more than willing to serve it up in the name of compromise and bipartisanship.

  4. ladybug

    And the millions spent will probably be written-off as a business advertising expense. Just one more way Sen. Baucus can help his media, insurance and pharma pals writing tax code loopholes.

  5. Big Swede

    You’re right, why spend all this money on some fancy adverts., when a simple uTUBE with legos can be just as effective.

    • Another valuable contribution to the debate, Swede. They say that you rigid right wingers cannot deal with nuance. You certainly prove it again and again.

      You know nothing about Georgia’s system. Do us all a favor, research it, get back to us with the pros and cions and the reason why the $200 figure, if indeed it is even accurate. Please – no 2 minute YouTube clips.

      Waiting ….

      Waiting ….

      Waiting ….

      Waiting ….

      Waiting ….

      Waiting ….

      Thanks for chiming in, Swede.

  1. 1 The Reid Report | How the Democrats are screwing up healthcare reform

    […] lesser) Western power has managed to do. After all, Republicans (and some top Democrats) are being paid handsomely in the way of campaign cash from the major pharmaceutical, insurance and medical lobbies to stop […]

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