Archive for February 15th, 2007

by Jay Stevens 

John Adams has a good summation of the hearing around Trudi Schmidt’s teen program licensure bill.

(If you haven’t seen my posts on this topic before, check them out.)

The interest in licensing teen programs was sparked by abuses that took place at Spring Creek Lodge Academy.

In 2005 the Legislature passed a bill creating the Montana Board of Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs (PAARP). Later that year the five-member board—which includes three industry representatives—went to work examining the benefits of licensing such schools. Last summer the panel released a 64-page report recommending that the Legislature grant it another two years to continue considering registration and licensure.

Schmidt wasn’t satisfied with the board’s recommendations, so she responded by introducing SB 288.

What Adams doesn’t mention, is that the 2005 bill was sponsored by Trout Creek Democrat Paul Clark, who himself runs a teen program. Considering that three of the five members of the board created in 2005 belong to the industry (and one seat belongs to a representative from Spring Creek), it’s no wonder they failed to accomplish anything.

A licensure program needs to be created and created now.

According to Adams’ piece, the hearing made evident the widespread support for Trudi Schmidt’s bill from former students, health professionals, and educators. Those that opposed the bill?

The only programs on the record opposing the legislation were Spring Creek Lodge Academy of Thompson Falls and Monarch School of Heron.
Only two people verbally testified in opposition to the bill. The first was Gary Spaeth, a lobbyist for the Montana Alternative Adolescent Private Programs (MAAPP), an organization Spaeth said represents “between 10 and 12” programs operating in Montana (Spaeth couldn’t recall which Montana schools were members of MAAPP, nor could Patrick McKenna, director of Monarch School and the organization’s president).

Spaeth wants the industry to be able to transfer licenses, like alcohol or solid waste. (Senator Kim Gillan: “I found that comment sort of a strange analogy given that we’re talking about children.”)

Spaeth is also against expanding the oversight board so that the industry is in the minority:

According to [Patrick] McKenna, having a lopsided number of board members who don’t represent the industry could stifle innovation at the expense of the teens in the programs.

But we’ve clearly seen the effects of an industry-dominated oversight board. Nothing got done.

Trudi Schmidt’s bill is popular and effective. Let’s get it done. Kids’ lives are at stake.

(There’s a link to the committee hearing audio. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I will and will bring you the highlights. Also, there’s a draft version of a modified version of Schmidt’s bill — LC 1003 — that’s sponsored by Democratic Senator Jim Elliot. I’ll be taking a look at that, too. So there’s more to come…)


Jon Tester supports tax cuts – for the middle class. There’s a roadblock, though. It requires rollback on cuts for the wealthiest. We’ll soon see who the GOP represents.

Kos uses Tester as an example of how Democrats should tout their values to win elections.

Max Baucus says he’ll amend SCHIP funding to Iraqi War spending. Sort of ironic, isn’t it? We can fund wars easily enough, but not children’s health…

Baucus also promises to block a Bush appointee to the Social Security administration, signaling his opposition to privatizing Social Security.

Meanwhile keep an eye on the lobbying group, Capitol Counsel LLC. Two former Baucus supporters – Shannon Finely and David Jones – will lead the lobbying efforts on tax legislation. The group also promises to obstruct significant health care reform, if former pharmaceutical lobbyist Denise Henry’s presence in the group is a significant indicator…

Tester and Baucus: “Where’s the (Montana) beef?

John Sinrud wants the Montana legislature to be more like the federal Congress, which might explain why the state GOP legislators are disorganized obstructionists who look like they won’t get the budget done on time.

The GOP dismantling of the Good Guv’s budget hints at proposed drastic reduction of public education funding.

Montana’s Senate Judiciary committee recommends abolishing the death penalty. The bill moves to the floor for debate.

The local-option sales tax dies.

So does the community benefits agreement bill.

Shane thinks the English-language requirement for driver’s licenses should die, too.

Some opponents of the proposed helmet law claim that wearing a helmet might actually be more dangerous. Apparently they’ve already taken a couple of spills on their heads.

How Michigan’s gay marriage ban has opened the floodgates for anti-gay public policy.

Nancy Pelosi now has her own blogwhich C-Span hates.

Another reason why Giuliani’s presidential campaign is doomed to failure.

Switzerland to investigate CIA “rendition” flights through its airspace. That explains why the Bush administration didn’t want to sign up for the international criminal courts…

Chuck Schumer promises to get to the bottom of “prosecutor-gate.” I’m dying for some Bush administration heads to roll…these guys deserve whatever they get…

Does David Brooks owe me an apology? Will he admit the error of his ways? Sad to say, human nature doesn’t work that way.

Meanwhile Matt Hutaff gets downright giddy over recent Pentagon-manufactured propaganda against Iran.

The Daily Show on Douglas Feith

Drew Gilpin on why we love war.

Don’t tell your kids they’re smart. It will destroy them.

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