
Montana Democrats were the key to the Democratic National Convention landing in Denver, says Denver’s mayor!

The big weekend scandal involves graphic fliers sent to Montana homes by the state GOP. In the flier, which even conservatives find in poor taste, Ed Kemmick sees the typical “shrill, smug, overwrought, unfair, crude, rude” behavior that has characterized state HQ in late years.

House Republicans’ six budget bills head for the floor.

Matt rips old friend John Sinrud for not-well-thought-out hyperbole and general poor behavior.

Scott Sales: kicked to the curb?

The Notorious Mark T rips Barrett Kaiser for defending Max Baucus. I think Mark T is a little harsh on Kaiser – it’s quite possible the guy actually believes in his Senator – but he makes some good points about how good people are corrupted by money and power in DC.

Freshmen Senators (not including JT?) pressure Max Baucus over trade.

Is coal heading for obsolescence? Will this trend help or hurt the Good Guv’s coal-to-gas plans?

Ed Kemmick mulls Montana lawmaker metaphors in perhaps his best post, ever. It’s all downhill from here, Ed…

Wine tasting illegal in Montana. I’m with the Misanthrope on this one.

State agencies are wildly undercharging corporate polluters

Federal government tried to stiff sick nuclear workers from health benefits.

Dick Cheney’s Halliburton moves to the UAE, one of the world’s leading terrorist-supporting and smuggling countries on the planet, in an apparent bid to avoid prosecution for defrauding American taxpayers in the Iraq War. Classy.

Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell demonstrates why 2008 is going to be a good year for a Democratic Senate.

And Kos makes a good case for hope in winning New Hampshire’s Senate seat from Republican John Sununu.

Could a flap over unions cause the DNC to move the convention from Denver?

Gee, thanks for putting us through all that impeachment bullsh*t, Mr. Gringrich. Let’s kick this *sshat to the curb again. Or better, let’s hope he wins the GOP presidential nomination. (Nicole’s take.)

If Burns comment against firefighters was seen by many as the pivotal moment in Tester’s victory, think what an effect Giuliani’s firefighter feud will have on his presidential hopes.

Meanwhile Nevada Democrats dump Fox News. Maybe Fox will realize there’s a price for being the official mouthpiece of the GOP, although the NYTimes report hardly mentions Fox’ bias and seems to think the decision was the indication of an intra-party scuffle. (Figure that one out, please.)

Richard Ailes responds by threatening boycotter John Edwards with a news blackout. In that response DC insider journal, The Hotline, understands why leftys are worried that Fox is hosting the debate.

The Bush administration prohibited government scientists from discussing climate change. If there’s a conspiracy here, it ain’t an environmentalist one…

The unspoken and real concern of the administration’s prosecutor purge: how many prosecutors actually played ball?

Which might remind one our own underperforming US prosecutor, Bill Mercer, who’s been subpoenaed.

The FBI violated Patriot Act provisions in acquiring personal records from Americans, says report. Oh, the government would never abuse its terror power, would it?

Maybe Scooter Libby took one for the team, but Heny Waxman’s not letting the Plame scandal die. He’s investigating whether the White House followed proper procedures for handling state secrets. This is exactly what needs to happen: I like this Waxman guy!

Sixty-nine percent of Americans oppose pardon for Libby.

Despite Bush administration terror polices – or because of them – worldwide fatal Jihadist attacks have increased sevenfold since the beginning of the Iraq war.

Meanwhile, talk for a national draft surfaces again.

Max Cleland to Dick Cheney: “Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War? If you’d gone to Vietnam – unlike the rest of us – maybe you would have learned something about war.”

Breaking news: Obama’s ancestors enslaved Lieberman’s!

Nicholas Kristof is cool.

  1. Squid

    I guess you must have inadvertently missed the one about the wussy democrats pulling out of the August debate in Nevada sponsored by FOX. The “Breck Girl” didn’t want to step out from under his umbrella of protection that the main stream liberal media always affords democrats so he “redeployed”until further notice. Only one democrat, Dennis the Menace, spoke out against the “redeployment.” The democrat party, the party of poultry droppings.

    Speaking of John Edwards, ya’ll need to tune into Rush and hear the parody of John singing “I Am Woman.” It’s a real hoot.

  2. Squid

    Oops, ya did cover the dems pulling out of the Nevada debate. So solly my left eye just isn’t focusing that well anymore, although it never did…..And while I’m here, maybe Waxman needs to stick his upturned nose into the Sandy Burger affair or at least one of his prominent nostrils. I don’t know how this guy could smell anything with the stench emanating from within his own party saturating his nose hairs.

  3. Squid – FOX News (Al Jazeera West) constantly hammers liberals and any conservative that steps out of line. Why do you insist that we pretend it is a news organization? I think Democrats have been far too kind to FOX, stepping in to do interviews and fill air time – a boycott would expose FOX for what it is – an arm of the Republican Party. If the Democrats were tough and unified, they’d band together against FOX. I hope they stick to their guns.

  4. Squid

    All I can say to that is, thank God we have an alternative to all the liberal networks that have carried democrat water all these years. Every stinking debate in the past has been conducted on liberal turf and I dare you to say otherwise. Just name me one mainstream network, out of the many, that has ever given republicans an even shake. And just look at the networks and their Sunday talk crap hosted by democrat political hacks. Give me a break, Mark.

  5. The link below covers ALL the Networks. This idea that these outfits are liberal is right wing paranoia and fantasy. I’m reminded that ABC conducted a boycott of Air America – ABC that sponsors many of the right wing talk shows that dominate radio. As many as a hundred major corporations agreed that their advertisements would never be covered on AA. Anyway, follow the link below, and then cry some more. Liberal, my ass.

  6. Squid

    What a crock of liberal BS this report is. This is just more of the “figures lie and liars figure” song and dance that the liberals trot out as a smoke screen. I’ll tell you one thing; if any of them were even the least bit conservative I’d be watching. Who the fork wants to watch that smuck Chuck Schumer spout his garbage day in and day out and then have to tune in Sunday and there he is again.

    I just love one of their examples. They site “conservatives” John McCain and Joe Lieberman on one particular “Meet the Depressed” show where no democrats were invited. A friggen joke I tell you and that’s when I stopped reading. John McCain is a proven RINO and Joe Lieberman still caucuses with the democrats. Come on, Mark, you can do better than that.

    Now, please name me one conservative moderator from any of the past political debates and name me one conservative outlet that has ever sponsored a debate. Every stinking one of them have been sponsored and moderated by the democrat water carriers from the mainstream liberal networks.

  7. No bias? That’s not what Fox officials think.

    Former Fox-affiliate manager, Nick Ferrari:

    “Do they show bias? Yes of course they do – and it’s fantastic,” says Ferrari. “They show bias in a patriotic way to counter a never-ending sea of dissent, lies and anti-government crap that swims around much of liberal America.” Britain should follow America’s example and allow TV, like newspapers, to deliver the news with a point of view. “What’s the danger?” he asks. “Are you saying that people are so damn thick that they watch Fox News and they are automatically going to be brainwashed?”

    Fox London Bureau chief, Scott Norvell:

    Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly. And those who hate us can take solace in the fact that they aren’t subsidizing Bill’s bombast; we payers of the BBC license fee don’t enjoy that peace of mind.

    Fox News is, after all, a private channel and our presenters are quite open about where they stand on particular stories. That’s our appeal. People watch us because they know what they are getting. The Beeb’s institutionalized leftism would be easier to tolerate if the corporation was a little more honest about it.

  8. Squid – McCain a RINO? Good grief. The man is as right wing as can be – the ONLY candidate out there who wants to make it a bigger war. A RINO?

    Lieberman is a war jerk, and the guy they like to trot out so they can say they are balanced. He’s right wing. That’s our media – even the lefties are righties.

    But I’ll be damned if I can see any left wing bias in mainstream news reporting, and I’m a lefety and I’ve been following them for many a year. I rarely turn them on anymore. Tell you what though – don’t give me your impressions from the far right fringe – put up some numbers. Tell me who’s a liberal, who’s not, and tell me why you say that. What issues are they pushing? How do they show their bias? Let’s get specific. You start.

    The piece I referenced you to shows what has been showing up for years – liberals rarely make it to Sunday talk, though Lieberman is a regular, while conservatives (including those you disapprove of) are all over the place. Media Matters have the numbers to support them – all you’ve got is angry bluster. Got that? They study and analyze and chart and graph and count and document. You characterize based on personal prejudice.

  9. jhwygirl

    Kristof was on Colbert last night (Tuesday) (which I think was actually a reply of the ‘live’ Monday show) – a little after the fact to mention it..but he was interesting, talking about the importance of Africa.

  10. Squid

    Let’s put it this way, Mark, I know of no conservatives in the mainstream media. They may not all be die-hard liberals, but most are anti-republican anti-conservative. They support the democrats and they support the party’s liberal leadership and its agenda.

    I don’t know what I could add to what the mainstream media has already admitted to:

  11. Silly, Squid, it’s not the political views of those that write the news that matters, it’s who’s paying the bills and the bottom line.

    The media goes along with what it thinks viewers want to hear. Until recently, they’ve been all gung-ho pro Bush administration — how else could you explain the horrid coverage of Iraq until, say, 2006?

  12. Squid

    “The media goes along with what it thinks viewers want to hear.”

    I guess then that’s why FOX is kicking the mainstream medias ass. People want to hear the good stuff and not the defeatism garbage that all the alphabet channels put out. Thanks for clearing that up.

  13. Squid – name names and give examples or give it up.

  14. Squid

    Tell you what, Mark, I can’t name one conservative in the mainstream media, so why don’t you give me the name of one.

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