What America Needs

by Jamee Greer

I’m sure when Montana Kaimin editor Sean Breslin went to work on Thursday’s editorial, he wasn’t planning on reaching into the intoxicated and misguided agitation that is the Ron Paul campaign machine and pulling out a handful of Ritalin-rant flames, but he did anyways.

I really think Sean was trying to do his due diligence: to apologize for his paper’s dearth of coverage regarding a presidential candidate that came in second, now technically first (holla!), place in the Montana Republican Party’s closed caucus on Tuesday. “turnout over ninety percent!”

And then he messed it all up. He got dirty. He got mean! Sean said it outright. And the Constitutionalists hit the fan.

whisper: “Oddball.”

And, well, he has a point. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle ran a story on Wednesday morning pointing out how some of the most conservative, divisive members of Montana’s legislature back Ron Paul. Juxtaposed with some of the emocrunchaPETAnarchist images I have of Missoula Ron Paul supporters, many of whom happen to be my age, it all makes me wonder WTF is going on here? This certainly is odd, this certainly is an odd movement. And it certainly is being led by an oddball.

Now, I myself could be categorized as an emocrunchaPETAnarchist, having gone through all four phases at some point in my life. I was once a card carrying member of one of them, but I’m not telling which!

But what is making young, fairly progressive individuals want to vote for Ron Paul? How can folks, who believe in equal rights for queer citizens, in a woman’s right to chose – folks who fought for greater funding of our public education system last year during the legislative session – vote for someone like Paul?

All Paul seems to inspire in Americans is more of the same divide and conquer we’ve seen in the past, more red versus blue, and me against you. And it’s masked in some strange glow of “revolution” and “unity” because angry old white racist men are bonding with the emocrunchaPETAnarchists at caucuses and primaries across the country, sharing space on internet comment boards and bonding in their ignorance: the older’s ignorance is one of choice, and the younger’s is inexperience in what those who are “different” and “less fortunate” have had to overcome throughout our nation’s past with the help of federal assistance and government intervention.

Ask me which way I lean and I’ll say left, and like about fifty percent of the nation, for the last eight years I’ve felt marginalized and ignored. And I’m not alone. These feelings have manifested themselves differently across the left, as some folks have shutdown and become apathetic – and remained this way for years. But something is shifting in America: folks aren’t taking it any longer. Young activist organizations and candidates are mobilizing voters in new and exciting ways, opening their eyes to what was once boring and uncool: the politics of change. But somewhere in their revolution fever pitch, some of the newly mobilized lose what it felt like to be that marginalized American, what it felt like to be that voter rushed to the sidelines. And somewhere in there these folks are hoodwinked into believing that if they elect someone like Paul, they’ll have their shot at glory. At peace. At a “revolution.”

What America needs is someone who refutes the exclusionist standard practiced by so many in politics today. What America needs is someone who will allow all Americans, red, blue and somewhere in between, to hold their heads up high with pride. What America needs is someone willing to move this nation forward to a place where all people are free, fed, warm and healthy.

What America does not need is Ron Paul.

  1. Both the first two links are to the editorial.

    Funny, the comments seem to be from all over the place and assume the Kaimin is a regular daily newspaper.

  2. I myself could be categorized as an emocrunchaPETAnarchist, having gone through all four phases at some point in my life. I was once a card carrying member of one of them, but I’m not telling which!

    You were a card carrying member of the Emo Phillips crowd?

  3. chrislatray

    Reading Jessica Peck Corry’s piece on New West re: Ron Paul certainly does give one a telling look into the minds of some of his supporters via the comments. I didn’t know if I should laugh or be very, very afraid.

  4. JC

    “You were a card carrying member of the Emo Phillips crowd?”

    Hmmm… I think that a “card carrying anarchist” is a bit of an oxymoron.

  5. JC

    “But what is making young, fairly progressive individuals want to vote for Ron Paul?”

    In the case of the dreaded trustafarians which the New West piece chrislatray refers to, it’s pretty obvious. Dreads a liberal does not necessarily make. Daddy’s conservatism produced a cushy lifestyle for the kids, but in order to get the reins to the family trust account, little Joey must show some conservative creds.

    One just needs to poke around trustafarian circles a bit to see that conservatism comes in a whole ‘nother breed these days. And I’ll bet that even GWB inhaled, once upon a time.

    chrislatray, I think a hearty laugh and shake of the head will do with the RP phenomenon. The left has their Nader, now the right has their Paul. As it should be.

  6. wharf rat

    It was easier to sort out when we were simply hippies

  7. goof houlihan

    I don’t know about that, wharf rat. I was a “hippie”; lived in a tipi, planted trees in the clearcuts, drove a van. I was even homeless and bumming; I’ve hitchiked all over this country except the northeast and deep south, and hopped freights on the UP, the SP, the D&RGW, the SCL, and the BN. I can tell you, the Great Northern is not out of Cheyenne and does not go from sea to shining sea.

    I was always disgusted by those wanting a miracle at another’s expense, so point that finger elsewhere. I paid for my tickets.

    I understood the New West article, and I understand the appeal of Ron Paul, but I can’t overlook his connections to the far, far, far right; the connections to racism and christian reconstructionism and his disrespect for the Lockean property right to control the labor of one’s physical self.

    I’m not much for “movements” that look to any authority figure or ascribe any particular ideology, particularly if it’s tied in with religion.

    Being a hippie for me was about being against authority, fearing the government, and being self reliant or accepting only the loosest of voluntary bonds. It was NOT about authoritarian government constantly in my mind and in my pocket.

    Lots of hippies and counter culture types went far into freemen, militia and other “I ain’t gettin no mark” directions. Not me, I liked having a job, earning a living, even paying my taxes and throwin a little cash around at the bar on Saturday night. Those guys always seemed way too authoritarian for all their protests. Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss.

    Other hippies joined Jones in Guyana, surrendered to Moon in central California, and Baba Rum Raisin in Antelope, Oregon.

    Hippies were as different then as they evolved into today.

    I’m too much the libertarian hedonist to get swayed into any group following a dumpster diving bible verse quotin star gazin brain washin authority figure. Pass the cold beer and hamburgers, please, and turn up that sweet 5/8/77 soundboard.

  8. Baba Rum Raisin in Antelope, Oregon

    I prefer Swami Pralines n’ Cream, myself.

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