My nome de plume (some may say “de guerre”) is JC, yet that is what many of my friends call me. So this is only a pseudo-anonymous identity I have chosen. It is me, yet only part of me. I have other hats that I wear, depending on the day and hour, and I like to keep those hats about.

I am a life-long Montanan who has watched the state and region change and grow for over 5 decades. Always opinionated, but often searching for principles to guide. I seek less to impose my will, and more to challenge assumptions and explore how ideology often leads one astray.

Many see their online persona as an opportunity to be who they are not, and say what they do not believe. I see mine as an extension of who I am in everyday life.

Enter 4&20 at your own peril, as ye shall be unmasked if you come a-calling with the glitter of all that is not well.

  1. JD

    Hey JC Welcome from JD

  2. Charles Martin

    Loved the latest. Do we start all over with a new party, or would it be better to move to an established party? For example, the Greens are diverse and local-leaning in focus, and there are others. Bernie Sanders already defines himself as a Socialist. Could Dean, Kucinich, Franks or others be tempted to leave the DNC tent?


    Thank you for remembering my sister, Heather Wasson, her death was avoidable. It is important to realize that mental illness is often paired with addiction, this does not make the person a disposable member of our society. If in the future, you discover anymore information about her stay in the detention center I would love to see it written about. I will never give up trying to find out why this happened and to ensure it stops taking place. I find it concerning that the medical staff has such power over medications and equaly concerning the detention center officers are so oblivious to the inmates needs.
    Thank You again

  4. Steve W

    Hi JC, have you seen this?

    I mailed the link to Pogie and to James C

    I’m hoping they will address it or do something other than run away and hide. :)

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