Archive for December 11th, 2013

by lizard

I know there are serious things happening in the world, like Obama shaking hands with a Castro, and protestors in Ukraine getting the police-state howdy-do in Kiev.

There is also a flurry of activity to effigize (effigy + eulogize) Nelson Mandela, and you better believe there is a little bit of something for everyone.

Predictably I’m going to go with 7 Nelson Mandela Quotes You Probably Won’t See in the US Media. And for this post, I would like to highlight two quotes, one about Israel, and one about Palestine:

On Israel: “Israel should withdraw from all the areas which it won from the Arabs in 1967, and in particular Israel should withdraw completely from the Golan Heights, from south Lebanon and from the West Bank.”

On Palestine: “The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

Mandela’s death is producing some serious inconveniences for the apartheid state of Israel. For example, Netanyahu hilariously claimed he can’t afford to make an appearance at Mandela’s memorial.

The link is from a Daily Beast piece, and it puts Netanyahu’s ridiculous excuse in context:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a little problem balancing budget concerns with statecraft: Back in May, he spent $127,000 on “an in-flight rest chamber” for his trip to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral (in addition to the $300,000 El Al was already set to receive for transporting him).

Cut to this weekend, when Netanyahu announced he would be begging off of Nelson Mandela’s memorial service, because attending would be too costly.

Now, to be sure, the projected bill for getting to and from Johannesburg—between the flight itself and all the special planning and security apparatus involved—was mindboggling: $1.9 million, all told. Flying heads of state around the globe and making sure they complete the journey in one piece is not cheap.

But it’s worth considering just what Netanyahu is willing to spending Israel’s money on (in addition to a super-fancy bed): $2,700 a year on ice cream. $18,000 on clothes, hair, and makeup (double the outlay of just a few years ago). $940,000 on three separate residences. $52 million on compensating settlers for not being allowed to build in the course of a settlement freeze that was more Potemkin’s village than freeze—not to mention billions in the settlements that have already been built and those that are on the way. Suddenly, expensing $1.9 million to pay his nation’s respects to one of history’s greatest men sounds like a bargain, doesn’t it?

It’s not just money making it difficult for Netanyahu to pay his respect to Mandela. Israel is also very busy discussing how to cleanse 70,000 Beduins from their native lands. The Prawer-Begin bill is how the apartheid state of Israel plans on enacting ethnic cleansing:

On 24 June 2013, the Israeli Knesset approved the discriminatory Prawer-Begin Bill, with 43 votes for and 40 votes against, for the mass expulsion of the Arab Bedouin community in the Naqab (Negev) desert in the south of Israel. If fully implemented, the Prawer-Begin Plan will result in the destruction of 35 “unrecognized”Arab Bedouin villages, the forced displacement of up to 70,000 Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel, and the dispossession of their historical lands in the Naqab. Despite the Arab Bedouin community’s complete rejection of the plan and strong disapproval from the international community and human rights groups, the Prawer Plan is happening now.

One of the problems is the Bedouin people supposedly agreed to this. Well, that was apparently a lie. Now passage of the bill may not happen without changes.

At that link, there is an interesting exchange that shows how the apartheid state of Israel is hoping to do to the Bedouin people what America did to Native Americans. Here is part of a tense exchange in which Arab Knesset members were ultimately removed:

Arab Knesset members were very upset during the hearing, and some were removed from the hall for disorderly conduct. UAL-Ta’al MK Taleb Abu Arar said that Begin’s comments were “proof that you are a racist – hate Arabs.”

“The law will cause an intifada in the Negev,” he pronounced.

“You want to transfer an entire population,” MK Hanna Swaid (Hadash) said.

Committee chairwoman MK Miri Regev (Likud) responded, “Yes, as the Americans did to the Indians.”

So what does John Kerry think about Israel doing a little American-inspired ethnic cleansing? Here are some official remarks from Kerry delivered at the Saban Forum:

Now, I want to come back to the peace process for a moment, because there is another existential threat to Israel that diplomacy can far better address than the use of force. And I am referring to the demographic dynamic that makes it impossible for Israel to preserve its future as a democratic, Jewish state without resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a two-state solution.

Force cannot defeat or defuse the demographic time bomb. Israel’s current state of relative security and prosperity does not change the fact that today’s status quo will not be tomorrow’s or the future’s.

So, as handshakes and police-state beat downs make international headlines, Israel is planning an ethnic cleansing. How to respond?

Boycott, Divest, Sanction the apartheid state of Israel.

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