Archive for September 4th, 2006


Meet “the Enablers.” You’d really have to labor, wouldn’t you, to think Burns is the best Senator Montana ever had? Montana: meet your Burns supporters. (Plus a great psychoanalysis of the diehard Bush supporters. Shorter version: it’s pathological.)

Pogie does the math. Rehberg represents about 36 people.

Cece has a compelling argument why we shouldn’t even consider the content of Howie Rich’s initiatives. Just sink ’em. Please.

Matt’s Labor Day readings.

Dave Crisp also rushes to remind no one reads the blogs. Or at least, none of his college students. Honestly, who ever thought blog-goers were kids?

Patia Stephens wonders at the gender discrepency in the Independent blogger story.

Schweitzer demonstrates why we need more Western Democrats in office.

Sara on the split in the Idaho GOP. D’ya think it has to do with the fact their House nominee is an incompetent extremist and a jerk, to boot?

“The Republicans had a great run for a while, and it’s over.” (Hat tip, Shane M.) No wonder they’re mad at everybody for calling them “Republicans.”

Maybe people are turning from the GOP because their incompetence puts lives at risk. A scandal that may swing Tennessee Democrat. H*ll, at this rate, Dems may take ten Senate seats.

Pogie is shocked that local papers are using Eric Coobs as a news source. After I throw up in my mouth, I will admit he’s a good source of the GOP talking points. (*Hint hint*)

A fundamenatlist Christian speaks out against prayers before football games. Thing was, he was in Hawaii where the prayers were given Buddhist monks. A moment of clarity, or the ultimate hypocracy?

Blogenlust is keeping score of our success in dealing with al Qaeda’s number twos. It’s safe to say no one’s listening anymore. Raise the terror alert! Oops, did that too much, too.

Frank Rich destroys our contemporary dictator appeaser, Donald Rumsfeld, who used facist rhetoric to call us all facists.

I think ABC is due a blogswarm for its piece of cr*p, partisan 9/11 fictitious documentary which blatantly and egregiously blames Clinton for the disaster.

For a look at the way things really stood, take a peek back in time. Why does the GOP hate America?

And for a glimpse of how well the Bush administration handled the threat of al Qaeda, check out Digby’s documentary.

Perhaps Dave Neiwert finds the best analogy of all for the Bush administration, something a little closer to home…

Thanks to the Billings Gazette for noting that Montana CHIP is taking more Montana children — and there’s no waiting list.

CHIP is, of course, Children’s Health Insurance Program, or a government-subsidized program for children of low-income Montana families. It’s very affordable, and the coverage is great, unlike, say, my $1K/mo plan. Friends of mine in graduate school found CHIP to be a life-saver when having to choose between school and health insurance, they found they could have both.

Are you eligible? According to the Gazette:

The Children’s Health Insurance Program covers otherwise uninsured Montana children from birth to age 19 in families with annual income up to 150 percent of the federal poverty level. What is 150 percent of poverty?It’s $19,800 for a family of two; $24,900 for a family of three; $30,000 for a family of four and higher for larger families. Childcare and work expenses can be deducted from income in determining eligibility.

Surprisingly high, especially considering I missed out by not so much despite the two professional incomes in the family.

The Gazette notice left a bunch of Billings-area contact numbers, which won’t be much use to my Missoula reader, but you can learn more at the KidsNow toll-free number: 877-543-7669. Or visit the CHIP web site. Check it out. You don’t have to move out of state to insure your children.

(D*mn socialists making sure working- and middle-class families can insure their kids!)

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