Health Care Reform and Senator Max Baucus

by jhwygirl

I’ve yet to write about Ezra Klein’s visit to Missoula last week to speak on health care (or my meeting with Wulfgar! – I don’t know which was a bigger event!), but one thing that Ezra spoke of was our senator’s important – very important – roll in instituting some sort of health care policy.

Max is the man, because, when it comes down to it, it’s about the money. It’s always about the money. And with Sen. Baucus as Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, nothing will get done without going through his committee.

Before heading home, Ezra Klein sat down with Montana journalist Mike Dennison for an interview. While that interview was posted in several places, the Billings Gazette gets the link because it had the most comments.

I’ll note that blogs aren’t unique in having commentators that resort to personal attacks – in this case, the usual: Forward Montana – and anything but the subject at hand.

Congressional Quarterly Politics has a nice interview with our Senator Baucus on the subject of health care. Baucus is clearly wrestling with the idea of having a government-run health care insurer – whether it is necessary and what, if any, role one would play.

Wednesday begins the formal policy discussions in the Senate on health care reform and national health care.

While a government-run insurance plan was still on the table, Baucus said “it might be a bit on the side of the table.” Instead, he said, he would focus on preserving the insurance system for self-insured companies while expanding private insurance and public programs such as Medicaid, the insurance program for the poor. “We’ll end up with more private insurance and more public insurance,” he said.

He later backed off that statement slightly, saying he might return to the government-run idea later on. Baucus has previously backed the idea of a government-run plan to compete with private insurers and drive down costs, but the political difficulty of the idea has put pressure on him to drop it. Many Republicans vehemently oppose any idea of a government-run insurance plan, while many of the left are demanding its inclusion.

The CQ piece mentions Baucus’ “white paper”. People should really go read it before going off and ranting about “socialism”.

It’s fair to note that while there were many skeptics when it comes to Baucus and health care reform, virtually all health care policy analysts on the progressive side have agreed that Baucus is serious about health care reform and that he is clearly seizing his lead in guiding the process.

On Tuesday, Baucus released this report to the Senate Finance Committee as a precursor the the initial discussions, which begin Wednesday, April 29th.

Health care is the largest policy initiative that has been so very very long in coming, in all honesty there’s a part of me that can’t comprehend that there is actually going to be serious discussion working towards solutions. It’s not something that I’ll be reading about like fiction or hypothetical – it’ll all be something that is going to end up being something real.


  1. Ask the wilderness proponents what it is like having Max “fight for you”. Congress just passed a wilderness bill. Montana got squat. That’s Max’s work.

    Putting your faith in Max is like building a house on a bowl full of JELL-O©. The continuing unquestioning support he receives from Montana Democrats is testimony to their vapidness.

  2. ditto mark. but the reality is we have to work with what we have so in that vein i am holding out hope that max wants a little more on his rather empty legacy shelf than a bunch of thank you cards from the health insurance industry.

    main stream people and main street businesses really want to get private insurance and it’s huge profit siphons out of our wallets. it is time for real change and single payer universal is the only thing i see as viable and sustainable for the long term. we don’t need more slap dash remodeling. it only costs more in the end. when you have a lousy foundation the best move is to just push it over and build a new system.

  3. I see a larger problem – Democrats head reform off at the pass by assuming leadership positions pretending to be liberals. It’s why they so often go along with Republican rule, leading one pundit to say they suffer from “battered wife syndrome”, as i heard yesterday on the radio.

    I don’t think they suffer from any such syndrome. I think their actions are calculated. Baucus’s decision to be a Democrat was calculated, and he often has to mouth liberal platitudes. But he’s not real.

  4. Jim Lang

    I’m not going to waste my time hoping that Baucus will do the right thing. He won’t, and we won’t have meaningful health care reform while he is chair of the Finance committee. The best we can hope for is his retirement after this term.

  5. if max blows this opportunity, rest assured a candidate is available to oust him in 2014. already gearing up.

    Meanwhile, need to push max harder…

  6. PB – Max has been ready for ousting for decades, but Democrats always line up behind him. The word I used was “vapid”, I chose it carefully.

    • the candidate would not necessarily be a democrat…or a republican.

      given enough time (5 years) to prepare and the right person, i believe the average voter would take a hard look at a credible and reasonable independent candidate. given the general disenchantment over partisan bickering, i think that if the economy does not markedly and dramatically improve over the next 5 years i believe that the mainstream voters will take a look at some alternatives. bush left us in the ditch and now all eyes are on the tow truck driver. let’s wish him well meanwhile.

      max needs to do more for the average montanan on health care refom and less for his corporate contributors if he does not want a tough fight in 2014.

      • What is wrong with “partisan bickering”? It simply means that people are defending positions. I wish Max had a little bicker in him. It would be a whole lot more palatable than Mr. Consensus.

  7. Jim Lang

    Mark T, it’s just political reality. Max is popular, rich, with incredible fundraising ability. Absent someone willing and able to take him on and beat him, there’s not much that can be done. That said, I didn’t vote for him last time, and can’t imagine a scenario in which I would cast a vote for him.


    Baucus is a blight on America. Ae is the antithesis of what a conscious American should be. Greed, greed and more self serving greed by this lowest of low lifes, or in otherwords a Republican/ Narcissistic Authoritarians one and All. How did we ever get soooooooo slimed with the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Baucus –=the worst of the worst. None of these have any redeeming value and should just jetison themselves into the orbit of Greed and Self-servitude, (someone, plz push the button for Harry).

  9. dang i meant to say ‘He’ not Ae

    well anyway how do you like the link i left ???…fish around on Baucus – makes me nauseous
    Do Not let anyone especially him tell you that ‘we don’t have the votes” this is pure opposition/profiteer speak.

  10. ladybug

    “Socialism” apparently only applies to assistance for individual citizens, not to multi-nationals on the dole. Party affiliation is becoming meaningless in a corporate-controlled state/nation/world. Montanans look up to (or bow down to) Baucus as long as the federal checks keep rolling in.

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