Mike Lange: “It’s war. The bloodletting has started.”

by Jay Stevens

Anybody see this article filed by Chuck Johnson about the Budget Follies? “Democrats pressured to revive tax plan”?

Senate Democrats decided to table Michael Lange’s education bill in committee. And Mikey was a tad upset:

Furious after the Senate panel tabled his bill Wednesday, Lange stormed into Democratic leadership offices in both houses and threatened retaliatory action against Democratic bills in the House unless his bill is resurrected.

Senate President Pro Tempore Dan Harrington, D-Butte, said Lange came into his office Wednesday and said, “It’s war. The bloodletting has started.” Witnesses said he formed each hand into a pistol and pretended as if he were firing shots.

Lange said permanent property tax relief is the key issue for Republican legislators, something they promised voters they would provide. He vowed Republicans will do whatever they need to do to make sure it passes, even if it means the House tabling every Democratic bill.

It’s pretty obvious a handful of House Republicans are responsible for the budget mess. The legislature knows it, the media knows it, the voters know it. Scott Sales declared war before the legislature convened; and now Mikey Lange is playing cowboy with our children’s education.


  1. Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

    Anybody can grow up to be president. Bush proved that. And anybody can grow up to be an idiot. Lange has proved that! Term limits have allowed an uneducated moron to capture the state budget. Hopefully, Montanans are paying attention. But I seriously doubt it. They did finally figure out judy mars, so there is some hope that they’ll figure out mikey and his Repubbie pals. But I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Rose

    OUR children’s education? Maybe YOUR children’s education, but not mine. All my kids go to private school. What kind of a parent are you, anyway?

  3. OUR children’s education? Maybe YOUR children’s education, but not mine. All my kids go to private school. What kind of a parent are you, anyway?

    Sorry? What are you getting at? Seriously? Do you want to go there?

  4. Jay, thanks for covering this stuff. It is important. Lange is seriously unbalanced. It gets worse and worse.

    Rose, I want to go there. I don’t give a damn where your kids go to school. Could be Harvard Elementary for all I know, but if the public school system fails I can promise you that they have no future. Your Karl DF’ish comment here really demonstrates the failure that the current republican party has: the lack of an ability to connect the dots.

    I have no idea who you are or how smart you are, but I will say that your comment shows that you might be a bit deficient in the ability to realize that all things are connected. You mess up the public schools and there will be no economy. Republicans will just have to sell the rest of America to China.

  5. Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

    Private school, huh Rosie. Why? Please explain. OH, you mean HOME school! You don’t like them gummint schools, cause their godless, right?! You prefer to educate your litter in a american madrassa, don’t you? You’re a faithful follower of brother rick jork, AREN’T you, rose? But rosie, let me ask you sumtin’. How’s life in your compound, sweetie?

  6. Rose

    Shane—You’re just nutty, with your connect-the-dots theory. According to you, we had no economy before there were public schools. Be serious. And you wonder how smart I am? Go ahead and connect the dots between a failed public school system and the world’s greatest economy. Try not to drool on your drawing while your tongue is hanging out and your little fist is clutching the Crayon.

    Larry—You’re just rabid.

  7. Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

    Rosie, where WERE there no public schools in Montana? I know that you’re probably not a great reader, and probably no too educated, or even too bright. But here’s a suggestion. Go to ANY small town in Montana, and read their histories. The first, the very first, the ABSOLUTE FIRST thing the homesteaders and early immigrants to the state did after erecting themselves a shelter to live in, was to build a communal school, and hire a teacher! True story, rosie. Now, if you can find an account that DOESN’T match this, please inform us! But go to say, Chester, Big Sandy, Wibaux, etc., etc., or simply take a drive in the country! And look around. You’ll see old abandoned school houses all OVER the place. Saw one yesterday on my way to Havre. And some are still in use! So, rosie, I’m not rabid. It’s you who is simply ignorant and uninfomed. Public schools have LONG been a top priority in Montana. And they STILL are the absolute focal point for every small town. The rick jorks of the world are an aberration. The Repukelicans are NOT going to score many browny points by destroying public education. Course in your case, rosie, I’m sure that public education, or education of ANY kind, didn’t figure prominently in your upbringing. Sad, so sad.

  8. granny sometimes wonders about those who would aboloish compulory education. maybe they have great fears about their offspring being able to compete on a level playing field, hmmm?

  9. Rose

    I think the blatant arrogance of these responses is the sine quo non of the truly uneducated and goes a long way toward explaining why nothing can be done with the public education system. But I must say that I really got a kick out of all the pejorative remarks which were made concerning my intelligence. That was just so predictably liberal.

    Larry– Thanks for the ad-hoc history lesson on Montana small towns and public schools. Unfortunately, the record shows that it was the saloon, not the schoolhouse, that was the first building to be erected in most of our small towns. And next came the church….

  10. Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

    Oh baloney, rose! Come ON. Explain just WHAT town are you talking about. A mining camp perhaps. Sheesh. We’re not talking about mining camps here, rosie. We’re talking about actual TOWNS! And rosie, for the record, just WHAT kind of “private” school did your rosettes go to? And WHY did you send them to private school? You’re leaving a lot of unanswered questions here, rosie. I’m kinda suprised that you even HAVE a internet in your compound! Isn’t that kinda godless for a wacko like you???? You’re a joke, aren’t you, rosie?

  11. Yosemite1967

    Rose, don’t let Larry get you rialed up. It feels like he and I are almost old friends now. It’s actually kind of fun to see what kinds of expletives you can get out of him. Watch…

    Larry, my curiosity is killing me. Is this you?
    If so, no wonder you’re so anti-homeschool. They’re your competition, so you have a vested interest in tearing them down.

    P.S. With your penchant for filthy expression, I sure wouldn’t want you teaching my kids. It says you were in the Air Force. Are you sure you weren’t a sailor? ;^) Heehee. Just messin’ with ya, Larry.

  12. Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

    Oh hell, Yosey, I kinda LIKE that picture. Makes me look like some crazy Osama wannabe! But ya know, I can’t run. I can’t hide. Never could. Never have. When the Rangers were hot and heavy into mining issues, we got a few threats, etc. And we just laughed! The wise use rightwing morons used to put my address, picture, etc. all over the net in an attempt to intimidate I guess. But the Rangers don’t intimidate. I figured that if anybody ever took me out, they’d be very, very sorry. For you see, I’m FAR my civil than my fellow Rangers who really ARE not nice people! Many of them ex-special forces fellas from Vietnam who actually were very, very good at what they did. And they still have those skills.

  13. I don’t believe Larry is advocating doing away with homeschooling, I believe he’s saying that shouldn’t be our kids’ only choice.

    I think the blatant arrogance of these responses is the sine quo non of the truly uneducated and goes a long way toward explaining why nothing can be done with the public education system. But I must say that I really got a kick out of all the pejorative remarks which were made concerning my intelligence. That was just so predictably liberal.

    Oh, my. When the primary tools in your rhetorical toolbox are arrogance and ad hominem attack, you should probably chill on calling others arrogant, IMHO. After all, if we follow the logic, that means you’re uneducated and a liberal…

  14. Rose

    Yosemite1967—Thanks for the link. That is all anybody would need to know about Larry. He is obviously just another public school loser getting paid to make losers out of helpless children. (If he gets booted from one public school job to another every few years, he must be a world-class loser.)

    Touchstone—I would respond to your little quip, but any display of superior intelligence here is wasted. However, I will suggest that you seriously question the liberal tendency to immediately deprecate someone’s intelligence merely because he disagrees.

  15. Yosemite1967

    Larry, I just wanted to know if that was really you–not trying to get you on a hit list. The funny thing about all of my friends is that they would consider it a cardinal sin to even egg your door. :^)

    P.S. You were right about the Osama thing, but I’m probably no prettier, especially if I let my facial hair grow out for a week.

  16. Rose: I’m sorry you’re not willing to display your superior intelligence. I guess we’ll have to settle for the taste of bitter almonds. While I’m off questioning “the liberal tendency to immediately deprecate someone’s intelligence merely because he disagrees,” I suggest you go off and contemplate shooting your mouth off about other people’s parenting skills because, honestly, it’s none of your g*dd*mned business.

  1. 1 Michael Lange promises to get really, really mean « 4&20 blackbirds

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