Liz’s Weekly Poetry Series: Field Nigga Boogie

by lizard

From the article The Execution of Christopher Dorner:

State of the Union: Flammable

This is a day of a million possible metaphors, but central among these should be the image of the burning house. In an effort to distinguish what he called the “house negro” from the “field negro,” Malcolm X had once observed that the two responded differently when the master’s house caught fire: “But that field negro, remember, they were in the majority, and they hated their master. When the house caught on fire, he didn’t try to put it out, that field negro prayed for a wind.” While the metaphor may seem a strange one, given the fiery death of a man some have compared to a runaway slave. But as many Americans choose to gaze, mesmerized, at the glowing embers of the Dorner saga rather than watching the State of the Union, it’s worth wondering: whose house is really on fire? And who is praying for wind?

Who is praying for wind?

I certainly wasn’t when I spent my white, suburban, 14-year-old discretionary money on Ice T’s album Body Count, featuring Tipper Gore’s seal of disapproval, the enticing Parental Advisory sticker.

Strange to remember how the same Ice T that plays a cop on tv once got hysterical notoriety for a song called Cop Killer.

I think the LAPD was the subject of that particular tune, featured below:

The updated version of Ice T’s outdated angst comes from Oscar Jackson Jr., better known as the rapper Paris.

Here is a bit of the song’s verse:

To protect and to serve is a myth to us
They protect they shit and serve sticks to us
Fuck a waterhose nigga, those days is thru
All a pig’s gotta do nowadays is shoot

For the full effect, here’s Paris full throttle:

Getting back to the state’s most recent lynching, this from the article first cited in this post:

As Obama was taking to the lectern, police agencies were insisting that they had not set the fire that killed Christopher Dorner, and the compliant media were parroting this clearly implausible message. As members of Congress stood and sat on cue to rapturously applaud the Commander-in-Chief, more than 14,000 people have liked just one of the Facebook pages in support of Dorner, some because they know what racist policing is like, some because ours is a time of resisting injustice by any means, and some simply for the joy of backing an outlaw to the grisly end.

From my perpetual work in progress, these lines may stick:

when the burners came by remote control he
must have realized it was time to eat a bullet

don’t be coy, dear badges of San Bernardino
the scanner chatter that day was clear:

Burn that fucking house down! one deputy said
Fucking burn this motherfucker! said another

I don’t know how the lie that incineration wasn’t the plan from the start can stand. It was. It’s obvious. And to avoid further Facebook likes, the San Bernardino authorities should just be up front like president Obama, and argue that imminent threat demanded execution, because that would be so much easier.

  1. d.g.

    If you half the amount. If you cut in half the potentially inflated
    number of orphans in Iraq. If you choose through
    cynicism or some Fox worm in your brain to quarter
    the number, there are still tonight curled on the streets
    of Iraq one motherless million orphans.who don’t know Ms. Rice’s mushroom cloud put them there. Who don’t know
    that cocaine and third-generation grandpa’s money put them in the path of G. Dub. And Dick. More than needing heroes, we in the land of the free need revenge. Touch us below the badge. Below the wasted worship of men in blue or khaki or camo or Brooks Bros. white and pinstripe and we will strike you, hunt you, trap you, drag you down. We will huff and puff and burn your cabin down around you you damned heretic! No trial. Let civil libertarians drone on and on and on about due process. You are grist and we are gristle. Bomb any god-damned country you want with impunity. Head for the woods in America motherfucker and our righteous arm will make sure that smoking human ash is all of you that’s left. . .

  2. Pogo Possum

    I find it sad that the Left is so lacking in heroes that it has to promote a cowardly, egomaniacal psychopathic murder to hero status to promote one of its causes. Dorner murdered police officers and innocent civilians and took delight in threatening to take the lives of the spouses and children of his named enemies in their “residences, spouses workplaces, and children’s schools.”

    Some commentators, 4&20 included, have tried to use his condemnation of the LA Police Force to thread an impossibly small needle to separate and justify his brutal murders. History is littered with killers leaving manifestos attacking the ills of society and declaring killing people the only way to draw attention to the wrongs they see. Even Ted Kaczynski justified his 18 years of murder and terror with: ”In order to get our message before the public with some chance of making a lasting impression, we had to kill people.”

    Even on 4&20 I see more sympathy for the killer than for the lives of innocent people he brutally killed. “Jack Ruby”: “. . . I was really hoping he could keep this going for a while.”

    I wonder how high the body count of innocent people had to go and how many more Monica Quan’s had to die before for “Jack Ruby” and Dorner’s admiring fans felt satisfied.

    If you want to find fault with the LA Police Force and its long list of civil rights violations and abuse, then have at it. But pick someone other than a cold blooded murder as your hero to elevate the cause.

    • lizard19

      Dorner as hero of the left? based on what, this blog and some comments? weak sauce, Pogo.

      I heard about this notion of presuming innocence for those accused of committing crimes in this country. have you heard about this idea? sounds kind of burdensome if what you really want to do is just burn a motherfucker.

      violence is messy, Pogo. it spills over. when those who are bestowed with the power to respond lethally to threats are not held accountable for abusing that power, over and over again, going back half a century, then it’s not surprising when there’s blowback.

      the LAPD, as they were hunting to kill Christopher Dorner, nearly had a comparable body count of 3 innocent people they opened fire on. but that would have been understandable collateral damage, right?

      anyway, thanks for the comment, Pogo. I always appreciate your perspective.

      • Pogo Possum

        “Weak sauce”? Come on Lizard. Be serious. You know what’s out there on line. Facebook pages, “Dorner All American Hero video games”, fan clubs, WeStandWithDorner twitter feeds, Dark Knight hero worship.

        PS……While we may not agree on many issues, I have to give you credit for trying to carry the 4&20 postings almost single handedly for the past few months. Not an easy job for anyone with a job and a family.

        • lizard19

          I seriously doubt all the malcontents who support Dorner ascribe to a leftist ideology.

          from what I’ve read of self-identified left-leaning thinkers who have discussed Dorner’s case, they have all condemned the alleged murders Dorner is said to have committed.

          • Pogo Possum

            True, some left thinkers, including yourself, have said that you don’t “condone the lethal actions” but then quickly begin, again, to thread a very narrow needle to elevate him to near martyr status with no further word of concern for his victims or intended victims which included the wives and children of his targets.

            Like I said, don’t pick a killer of innocent people to make your cause. It doesn’t reflect well on you.

            • lizard19

              I’m not sure what you think my cause is. I offer articles and opinions on an issue that captivated this country. 3 people were nearly killed in the process of trying to get this cop who snapped, then San Bernardino law enforcement chose to burn Dorner alive. those actions deserve to be criticized. if you think doing so reflects poorly on me, well, that’s your opinion.

    • Steve W

      Pogo, I’m surprised a conservative would condone arson. The property owners were the victims here of people who decided to burn their property down. The government stole their property for their personal revenge.

  1. 1 Liz’s Weekly Poetry Series: Anticipating April | 4&20 blackbirds

    […] Field Nigga Boogie […]

  2. 2 152 Poetry Posts to Celebrate April, National Poetry Month | 4&20 blackbirds

    […] Field Nigga Boogie […]

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