Hating Obama or when is a racist not a racist, a slut not a slut?

by Pete Talbot

The folks who practice in front of Judge Cebull say he’s a stand-up kinda guy.  What else are they going to say?  Also …

“Many of the attorneys contacted for this story declined to comment on the record,” says the Great Falls Tribune.  And there aren’t any quotes in the article from those who may have been wronged in court (read: potential appellants) or comments from other federal judges (surprise, surprise).

Cebull has apologized and has asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to investigate.  He admitted that the content of the email was “racist” and “awful,” but said that he is not racist.

“I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama,” said the judge.

This story will play out for months, mostly under the radar.  Here’s the background for those who’ve been away from the news.

Another anti-Obama slam, this time directed at a Georgetown University law student, came from right-wing spokesman Rush Limbaugh.  He called an advocate for birth-control coverage at religious institutions a “slut.”  You know the story but here’s a recap.

Limbaugh finally apologized but not until Republicans started distancing themselves from the remarks and advertisers cancelled.

Anyway, I expect this sort of anti-Obama, misogynistic trash from Limbaugh; not so much from Montana’s chief federal judge.

Living in Missoula, most of the criticism of Obama that I hear comes from the left, so I’m always amazed at the vitriol that comes from the right.  I’m talking a deep-rooted hatred.  The right wingers didn’t like Bill Clinton (“Slick Willie, as they called him) either, but there didn’t seem to be such a profound hatred.  And Clinton’s and Obama’s policies arent all that different.

So I have to wonder if there isn’t a little racism in this hatred from the right.

  1. lizard19

    taking two gross lapses of judgement that both offending parties will, in the end, have to pay for to some degree, and trying to score more political points by painting “the right” as implicitly “a little” racist is opportunistic, imo.

    if that’s the intent of this post, then bang bang.

    you could also cite plenty other racist comments coming from the GOP to make your point, but if a blanket judgement of the entire political right in this country being a little racist is your starting point for a conversation, I don’t see much productive coming from it.

    when I made my intolerant, prejudicial comments I had to suck it up and critically look at what I had said, and because I’m still a bit butt-hurt, I want to apply the same strict interpretation to others.

    and it’s easy to get carried away, because prejudices exist everywhere. when does prejudice cross the line and become racist? I didn’t think I had crossed that line, but others did.

    maybe it would be useful to again put up the definitions:

    Racism (noun) 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    • petetalbot

      Yeah, not one of my deeper posts but the headline was good so I went from there. And of course it’s opportunistic: how often do you get to go after a conservative federal judge for something he did that was really stupid and malicious? Didn’t mean for it to be a blanket comment on the Republican Party, but one can certainly tie racism to certain spokespeople and policies on the far right. So, as you say, bang bang.

      And yeah, prejudice is everywhere and I point it out on the left, although it doesn’t usually rear its ugly head there. (I have called people out for saying that certain Republicans are fascists and Nazis when they really are not.)

      Your comment got me thinking about intolerance and prejudice, and brought some introspection for future posts.

      Don’t know if you can say enough bad stuff about Rush Limbaugh, though.

      • Ingemar Johansson

        Dittos for Ed Shultz.

        • petetalbot

          It’s called low-hanging fruit, Ingy. Easy pickins. I’m guilty of it in my post. You’re guilty of it in your comment.

          I didn’t even know who Ed Schultz was but he was wrong to call Ingraham a slut. (He apologized, I looked it up. Interesting story: the guy started out as a conservative pundit and then moved to the left.)

          The point of my post, although I seem to have missed the mark, is all the vitriol directed at Obama. The guy’s pretty moderate, as evidenced by attacks from both the right and the left (although the right’s attacks are particularly harsh).

          • Ingemar Johansson

            Vitriol? Really Pete? In these two examples who’s being more vitriolic? Let’s review.

            Ingraham accepted Shultz’s apology. No boycott of Shultz’s advertisers. Constant rehashing on the MSM. Barry keeps it going by a personal phone call. All liberal blogs headlining it.

            Embarrassing that this is all you guys got.

            • larry kurtz

              Diane Rehm had guests this morning discussing which entertainers deploy verbal attacks and whether they’re on public or private individuals: big difference.

              Bill Maher does not assail private persons, for instance.

  2. You’re delusional if you think judges in Montana are nonpartisan.

    Bozeman, after all, is the home of FREE, the Foundation for “Research” on Economics and the Environment. That is the federal judicial propaganda equivalent of the extremist right wing ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, to which most, if not all, of Montana’s Republican legislators belong.

    Funding includes $430,000 received from anti-environmental sources such as the non-profit, tax-exempt Charles R. Lambe and Charles G. Koch “Charitable” foundations during 2005-2009 [1997-2009: $1,525,000]. FREE has also been funded by a host of other conservative foundations, including Castle Rock Foundation (Coors), The John M. Olin Foundation , The Lilly Endowment, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, The Carthage Foundation and The True Foundation. Corporate Funders have included, The American Chemistry Council, ExxonMobil, General Electric, General Motors, Merck, and Shell. (2002 Funders from FREE website). In the past, FREE has also received funding from Amoco Company Foundation, ARCO Foundation, Boeing Company, Burlington Resources Foundation, Coca-Cola Foods, IBM, M.J. Monsanto Fund, Phillips Petroleum Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Shell Oil Foundation, and the Weyerhauser Company ( Capital Research Council, http://www.capitalresearch.org/search/orgdisplay.asp?Org=FRE100).

  3. larry kurtz


  4. The right wing volunteer and paid-for minions spend a great deal of time, not only in pundrity, but in erasing well-sourced though unflattering entries on Wikipedia and other outlets. They have scrubbed Cebull’s entries to remove the core of the problems with his comments, just as the Kochs have a team of spin doctors doing the same on a full time basis.

    He stated that he was sending the disgusting comments, not meaning to be racist, but instead “POLITICAL.”

    Sending personal and particularly political e-mails from government computers on government e-mail, as any bottom range state or federal clerk should know, is strictly prohibited, often a firing offense.

    Secondly, the clear message in the “joke” he sent was not that Obama was half black, but that his mother became pregnant with him, not in a married relationship, but instead at a party so wild and out of control that she might have even engaged in bestiality.

    I think a thorough examination of the record on Cebull’s decisions is overdue. The Washington Post found that many judges who attended FREE seminars subsequently ruled in cases for the sponsors of those seminars, when they obviously should have recused themselves. Let’s have a look, shall we?

  5. Lisa

    Cebull should resign and clear the way for a more thoughtful and less “political” person to replace him.

  6. It’s not like Cebull authored the joke – he just forwarded it – big deal. The libs did far worse, on a daily basis with President Bush.

    As far as when a slut is not a slut, I listened to what the young woman said, and what she said was that she couldn’t afford birth control, and wanted somebody else to pay for it. And if you’re not sleeping around, it wouldn’t be an issue, would it?

    I didn’t hear Limbaughs remarks, but I know how he tends to go off on feminazis, and Gloria Allred, so I can imagine how he worked it up, but it’s still much ado about nothing.

    Why aren’t we talking about real issues, like The Great Leader throwing away our tax dollars on failed green energy companies, the demise of his much touted Chevy Volt, or how his bumbling foreign policy is pushing up energy prices, and installing new regimes in Egypt and Libya that are worse than the old ones ? Wagging the dog ?

    • larry kurtz

      While the US is distracted by a professional broadcaster falling on his sharpened turkey drumstick as the earth haters try to hide a federal judge, the Israeli prime minister is stabbing the US in the back.

      Ron Paul is the only earth hater not expected to address AIPAC: gotta love the little guy for that.

      The National Bar Association says Cebull should go away:
      “Furthermore, his sensitivity to issues and matters as it relates to race and his obligation to govern on the federal bench has been jeopardized.”

      The MTGOP is toast.

    • petetalbot

      So wrong on so many levels, Eric. Just got an email saying you’re a pedophile. I forwarded it to a bunch of people. I didn’t author it so no “big deal.” Hope you don’t mind.

      And yeah, the liberals derided Bush. He got us into an illegal war, took us from a surplus to a deficit, the Patriot Act, Guantanamo … but we never went racist on him (hard to get racist on a white male millionaire Texan, though).

      Then there’s your “sleeping around” line. There’s a possibility she’s taking the pill for other health/hormone reasons but even if she isn’t, perhaps you’d prefer she rely on an abortion for birth control.

      Any of your female friends/relatives taking birth control? Mind if I call them sluts, Saint Eric?

      You’re right about these not being the real issues of the day but then neither are yours: the Chevy Volt? Obama’s foreign policy is pushing up energy prices? (What’s your solution — nuke Iran?) We should have a greater role in regime changes in Egypt and Libya? (That sure worked out well in Iraq.)

    • Since you’re using Limbaugh’s code words like “feminazi,” I assume you’re as disgusting as he is. It’s no wonder you leap to Cebull’s defense regarding the bestiality “joke.” Help me out here. Bush was in office for 8 years, 2,922 days. Please tell us just three of those extremely vulgar jokes that “libs” told about him “daily.” That would be only one for every thousand days, or .1% of the time he was in office.

      I’m waiting.

      Are you there?


    • Dallas

      Sandra Fluke was talking about a friend who had ovarian cysts that were fairly effectively controlled by birth control pills. Her friend, also a student at the Catholic Georgetown University, lost her insurance coverage for the pills when she signed up for the college sponsored insurance. The university had made a decision that anyone enrolling in the university sponsored insurance could not receive birth control pills through the insurance program, regardless of the insured’s religious convictions. The friend’s cysts grew resulting in the surgical loss of one of her ovaries. Ms. Fluke’s concern was that, while insurance was expensive, the Georgetown U decision was curtailing her friends need for necessary medical treatment. By the way, there are no tax dollars involved in the university or any other private insurance offerings.

      Sandra Fluke made no mention of her, or her friend’s, sex life but Limbaugh sure did. Limbaugh effectively called all women (your mother, sister, wife) who ever used birth control paid for by insurance “sluts” and “prostitutes”. He went on to say that anyone using birth control paid for by insurance should post videos on line showing them having sex. Again, no tax dollars are involved in your purchase of insurance so why he wants to see millions of women having online sex can only be surmised.

      Limbaugh’ comments indicate that he’s a women hater. If you’re listening to him we can only assume that you hate women too.

  7. max987

    Shout, shout knock yourself out;
    Come on yell, yell loud and swell;
    You gotta scream, scream, you know what I mean;
    Put another dime in the Apology Machine.


    And, yes, I do apologize to Ernie Maresca.

    Say, is that a wop joke?

    — Max Bucks

    PS: The joke’s on everybody. Sandra is a lesbian.

    • petetalbot

      Let the real discourse continue. Pay no mind to the irrelevant, misogynistic, arrogant Max Bucks’ comment above. He’s been a troll forever.

      • Max610

        That is my point: You are not having a “real discourse.” You are merely expressing your rage at a judge or a radio personality who had the audacity to puncture your hermetically sealed world of political correctness. That whoosh you hear is fresh air pouring into the vacuum of your life.

        If you ever went out once in a while, you would know some people do not like blacks. Other people do not like whites. There are even people who think an unmarried woman who has sexual intercourse is a slut. Wow, imagine that! And now imagine someone actually saying out loud what he thinks.

        Welcome to America.

        So you have a fit when you hear what someone else thinks. And the only thing that eases your pain is an apology. Thus the meaning of my comment: You scream and scream until someone puts another dime in the Apology Machine.

        — Max Bucks

        • petetalbot

          Apologies don’t cut it, Max.

          In your world of political correctness, it’s OK to say Obama’s Mom has sex with dogs and women who want birth control are sluts.


          You were an obnoxious presence over at Missoulapolis back when it was a legitimate site.

          We’re having an adult discussion here, and you’ve disrupted it with your usual uniformed, chauvinistic and bellicose drivel.


          • max987

            I never said anything was acceptable or unacceptable in my world. I just pointed out to you that your world is sealed, and that is why you are so upset. You really have no idea what other people think outside your bubble, and when you find out, you are horrified.

            — Max Bucks

            • Turner

              Yes, fascism is frightening.

            • petetalbot

              Well, Max, I’d venture that you’re the one who doesn’t get out much.

              In my past life as a freelance camera operator, I traveled the world. I’ve met all sorts of people with differing views.

              And I learned that in civilized societies, folks tend to challenge bigotry.

              • Ingemar Johansson


              • Iran?

                Iran was actually a country that was fairly tolerant of other religions and ethnicities, before and after the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Mossadegh.

                Even the Pahlavis weren’t the worst, with that regard. There were thriving Jewish and Ba’hai communities in Iran, for instance, though many left within four or five years of the expulsion of most Palestinians from Israel in 1948.

                There are many different ethnicities living in Iran, without a lot of friction before ’79. Besides the majority Persians, there were Azeri, Turkmen, Baloch, Kurds and Arabs.

                The domestic overthrow of the secular Shah, thanks to his brutality, caused a less tolerant society. The Jewish population, which had been there for most of three millenia, dropped by 75-80%.

                This was in no small part a result of blowback, the unintended consequences of our meddling with the affairs of a sovereign nation.

                When Bush announced on TV his “Axis of Evil,” I thought, “….he’s gone and screwed the pooch, again.”

                The moderates such as Rafsanjani, who had steadily been growing in influence, were instantly seen as U.S. collaborators and we became “The Great Satan.” Ahmadinejad was elected not long afterward as fundamentalism grew.

                Obviously, we don’t learn much from our mistakes.

                I think you should skipped that third fight with Patterson, Inge, and the one with Brian London as well. You’re obviously a bit punchy.

            • It takes a lot to disgust me Max, and I’m not easily horrified.

              I’ve been in circumstances in various parts of the world that few could have tolerated.

              However, your callous insensitivity does indeed disgust me.

              How much will it cost for you to go away?

              • max987

                Just put your hands over your ears like the other monkeys, bare your teeth, and make a loud chattering sound. But America won’t go away, free speech won’t go away, and realty won’t either.

                — Max Bucks

              • Pete Talbot

                Unfortunately, Pancho, the very definition of a troll is someone who won’t go away.

    • Hey, Max,

      I wondered what kind of history you’ve had, how a Christian Identity weasel like yourself got along in the world. You wouldn’t know “reality” if it bit you square in the ass.

      Lookee here!
      Max Bucks

      This is devastating news! It has always been a source of great pride for me to name all the commie Montana blogs that banned me, but now they are disappearing like flies after a hard frost.*

      Jay Stevens was my favorite example of a clueless East Coast liberal and wannabe writer, whose endless drivel consistently demonstrated his total ignorance of Montana, its people, and its history. He was a laugh a minute. He should have been a public school teacher, like Little Trotsky. Anyway, I guess his 99 weeks of unemployment checks has ended.

      As for Matt Singer, Jay’s “partner” (heh heh), I am sure his family will be happy to have him back at the bagel shop.
      * Electric City Weblog is the only Montana rightwing blog that has banned me, because I made the mistake of implying they were all closet fairies.

      on November 4, 2010 at 10:18 pm | Reply Dave Budge

      No, Max, ECW didn’t ban you. I did. We didn’t even have a discussion about it. And it wasn’t because of anything you said about our masculinity (unlike you we’re pretty OK with ours.) I banned you because you’re a racists fuck-nuts. I’ve been trying to scrub the stink of you off the site ever sense.

      Now, go fuck yourself.

  8. Hey Max,

    The judge’s comments and bogus explanations were disgusting.

    Limbaugh’s accusations and slurs were disgusting, his apology insincere and an effort to avoid the consequences of his acts..

    Your defense of each of them was disgusting as well.

    • max987

      I am not defending what the individuals said. I am defending their right to say it.

      I am defending free speech, which you apparently find “disgusting.”

      — Max Bucks

      • Pete Talbot

        I suppose you defend yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theater, too.

        • max987

          You know precisely what I am talking about: You simply hate free speech when it runs counter to your sensibilities.

          And by the way, it is perfectly legal to shout fire in a crowded theater if the shouter has a reasonable belief that a fire does in fact exist.

  9. Joe Booty

    What about the bigoted anti-Catholic comments you make frequently about the pope Peter?

    • petetalbot

      Not anti-Catholic, per se, Booty, but I will challenge the church’s dogma on women, gays, birth control, pedophilia, aids …

      Catholicism has accomplished much in tackling poverty, advancing human rights, health care, education and peace. Unfortunately, it has a sketchy track record on many of the same issues. In this day and age, the church hierarchy is out of step with the masses, its conventions an anachronism. Here’s a link to an earlier post on the subject:

      The Pope’s a jerk

      My criticism of church canons isn’t quite the same as Limbaugh’s “slut” comment or Cebull’s racist “joke,” wouldn’t you agree?

      • Pete, you’re ignoring the issue here with regards to the church. Religious Freedom.

        What would happen if I went to work in the office of a muslim university, and I demanded that they serve pork brisket sandwiches in the cafeteria. Should they be required by the Obama regime to buy, prepare, and serve pork ?

        If a woman is entitled to a religious organization paying for he birth control, why would I not be entitled to a brisket sandwich ? Where do you draw the line ?

        • larry kurtz

          Mr. Coobs: your defense of cannabis lawsuits in the Gazette was inspirational: how sad you don’t know your gluteus from your amygdala:


          • Well Larry, obviously you read, but have problems with comprehension – the point I made, and continue to make is that until there are changes in FEDERAL law, no matter what ‘we’ do as a State doesn’t matter, because the Obama Regime will continue to kick down the doors of the MM caregivers.

        • max.bucks

          The entire issue is preposterous, no matter if a woman wants a Catholic university to pay for her birth control, a private insurance company to pay for it, or the US taxpayers.

          This is not a “women’s health issue” at all, although there may be a small number of cases where a woman’s health is in fact at issue. Rather, this is just a case of freeloaders trying to get someone else to pay their bills.

          As for the moral aspect of furnishing unmarried woman with birth control, the proposal amounts to subsidizing fornication and promiscuity and might very well promote those behaviors.

          — Max Bucks

          • larry kurtz

            @MotherJones: Personhood of semen, rectal exams, and psych screenings for Viagra—Insane sex laws inspired by Republicans.

          • Pete Talbot

            Max Bucks: “This is not a ‘women’s health issue’ … ” Spoken like a true man.

            As for birth control promoting and “subsidizing fornication and promiscuity … ” Wow! Get those aspirin out, girls, and hold ’em between your knees.

        • Pete Talbot

          Pork. The other white meat. And so analogous to the health care issue raised here. Try again, Eric.

      • Due to the inability of responding to your comment that “Lysol was the abortificant of choice, before PP,” I don’t think so.

        I thought it was saline solution, forced into uterus. My wife, out of her teens in a very anti-abortion state before Roe v. Wade, says that Lysol would kill the person using it..

        Thanks for posting that 60 Minutes URL. It was a great interview. The guy is remarkable for a member of the church hierarchy anywhere, especially Ireland.

        • larry kurtz

          couldn’t find the tweet but here is not very good source; will keep looking.

            • Holy Smokes!!!

              I hoped for a reference. I got a hydrogen bomb.

              This has to be up there with thalidomide and the Dalkon shield as (not) great moments in American medical practice.

              I should have known better. In the early ’50, “doctors” used to do ads for tobacco and talked about how whatever they were hawking, “soothed the ‘T-Zone’,” showing us a chest X-ray featuring two pre-cancerous lungs infused with the healing powers of unfiltered tars and nicotine.

              I thought I was aware of most of the pre-Korean War quack “cures.” Sheesh!

              I would note, though, that the mentions are of diluted Lysol as a douche, a spermacide, but not as an abortificant, though I’m very much aware, per Rush and the Family “Research” Council, that “Every sperm is sacred.”

              Oh, well. I guess Lysol beats battery acid, if not by much.

              Thanks for the excellent research, Larry.

        • Mother Jones is a fairly reliable publication, but I would caution you to be skeptical about anything that may have been wrong to begin with, then passed along increasingly as gospel, with added fake “credibility” as time goes on.

          For instance, I think if we asked Max Bucks if Obama was a Muslim Socialist born in Kenya, we know what the answer would be. He’s sure its true because he’s seen it on Faux “News” and a thousand posts that urge, “Send this to everyone you know.” (I haven’t gotten one of those in hours.)

          What I’d like to see if a citation from a medical journal, which is peer reviewed.

          • larry kurtz

            fetch ’em, yerself, nimrod.

          • max.bucks

            I have no opinion on the origin of President Obama, although I must admit there is nothing about him that resembles any Americans I know.

            You need to ask the forensic experts what they think of the president’s birth certificate and Selective Service application. Or don’t you read newspapers?

            • I’m sorry to hear that you live in a “hermetic” environment that you attributed here to others, Max, and that you don’t know anyone who at all resembles Obama in being, for instance, articulate, experienced in the public and private sectors, and extremely well educated.

              Do you live in a loser saloon? Under a bridge and get on the Internet at the library? In a cardboard box in an alleyway?

              Whom do you consider a “forensic expert?” Orly Taitz?

              Woo, woo!

              I’ve seen a fake birth certificate from “the Republic of Kenya,” that was actually cut and pasted from an Australian birth certificate. Is that the one to which you referred?

              I regularly read a lot of papers, ranging from mediocre Lee chain rags like the Billings Gazette, up through the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, to the Anchorage Daily News and other McLatchy papers.

              • lizard19

                why include people who access the internet at the library in your ridicule fest, Pancho? do you have something against people who maybe can’t afford their own computer or internet connection?

              • When I’m traveling I used to almost always access computers at the library. Now I do it either from motel rooms or parked outside those that have connections that aren’t password protected.

                I’m not really opposed to people living in cardboard boxes or dumpster diving and empathize with them a great deal. I have worked for years to improve their living situations. I’ve stood up for them in libraries where regulations were created to limit their access.

                I’m just ragging on Maxie, that’s all, and his exalted opinion of himself.

                Forgive me if I don’t rise to your PC standards.

              • lizard19

                my PC standards? ha! and to think, just a few weeks ago I was dabbling in racism.

              • lizard19

                also, I’m kinda concern-trolling you, Pancho, and you’re taking the bait. trolls do it because they enjoy it. I’m doing it because I’m trying to illustrate my earlier point, which you’re of course free to ignore.

              • max.bucks

                Well, if you want to call the wide-open spaces of Montana a “hermetic environment,” you must be from off planet somewhere. But Montana is where I live, a state that has a black population of 0.4% (US Census). I would have to drive at least 100 miles and spend all day in a Wal-Mart store to have any chance of seeing one black person.

                Where are you from, Mississippi? Is that where you acquired your deep experience with blacks? Or do you just listen to rap music all day and think that qualifies you as knowing what blacks are all about?

                I repeat, there is nothing about President Obama that resembles any Americans I know.

                As for your speculations on my personal living conditions, I reside in a very nice house on 20 acres that is sprinkled with cottonwoods and aspens. A spring-fed creek runs the length of the property, and I can see for 60 miles on a clear day. Everything is paid for.

                How are you doing? My guess is, you are making fun of homeless people because you have moved up to a rented trailer.

                Concerning forensic experts, consult any major news source, such as AP, Reuters, etc., to read about the latest evidence (last week) in the Obama birth certificate controversy.

                — Max Bucks

              • Okay, Maxie. I went to Google and searched for a current story about Obama’s birth certificate. I found this at the Moonie Times:

                HONOLULU, March 9, 2012 by Eric Golub – Just days before the Hawaii Caucus, the scandal cloud surrounding President Obama and his early years in Hawaii has only grown.

                This is a scandal bigger than Solyndra and Fast and Furious combined.

                First there were questions that Barack Obama may not have been born in Hawaii. Now it seems that he has actually never been to Hawaii in his entire life. Like UFOs, sightings of Obama in Hawaii at any point in the half of a century of his existence are now open to debate.

                If Barack Obama truly is from Hawaii, why is it that not one of the many high-priced call girls on Kuhio Avenue ever remembered seeing him there at any time?

                True, these ladies get paid to be discreet, but at least one of them would have talked. Either somebody got to them with some serious hush money, or Mr. Obama has never been in Hawaii.

                These ladies may barely cover up their (redacted) and (redacted), but they sure know how to cover up the truth.

                Extensive interviews with women named Angel, Bunny, Crystal, Delilah, Ebony, Felicity, and Glitter made two things very clear.

                First of all, thirty-something years after Sesame Street tried to teach me, I finally now know my ABCDEFGs. They are beautiful.

                Secondly, this goes deeper than where Barack Obama was born. He may have never been to Hawaii. His vacations on the Island could be as fake as the Moon Landing.

                After all, the 1980s television show “Dallas” was actually filmed in Los Angeles. Beverly Hills, 90210, was filmed closer to 90028. The cast of the “Jersey Shore” are actually from New York.

                (The New York Giants and Jets do not play in New Jersey, though. Argue otherwise and FDNY and NYPD heroes will justifiably knock skulls.)

                Everything and everyone is a suspect in this Obama Hawaiian conspiracy. It could all be one big lie. In fact, Glitter may not even be that one call girl’s real name.

                Democrats have a history of colossal lies.

                John Edwards did not father a child out of wedlock. Actually, he did.

                John Kerry had Cambodia seared into his memory. He was never there.

                Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman, or every other woman in Arkadelphia. He may have had them all.

                Al Gore inspired the movie “Love Story.” Al Gore inspires nothing.

                Decoding all of these facts means that Democrats serve up whoppers. Whoppers are served at Burger King. Burger King is a fast food joint. Joints are illegal.

                Barack Obama smoked joints, and is therefore an unpunished criminal.

                Barack Obama claims he was born in the United States, and is a citizen. From February 24th through March 4th, extensive research turned up absolutely nothing.

                Hawaii is not a large state. Ten days is enough time to check every hospital in the state. Not only did an Obama sighting prove elusive, but I did not see a single hospital on Kuhio or Kalakaua Avenues.

                How can Barack Obama have been born in a Hawaiian hospital if there are no hospitals in Hawaii? Explain that one, liberal media (synonym for people who hide the truth)!

                There were admittedly cardboard cutouts of various past presidents and vice presidents for purchase in the Ala Moana shopping Center, but cardboard cutouts are not real people (although the Al Gore cutout may have actually really been him).

                The only things that exist in all of Hawaii are pineapples, beautiful women of the night, beautiful women of the night wearing pineapples, and shopping centers where even the Hawaiian shirts are lacking.

                (In Hawaii they do not even call them Hawaiian shirts. They call them “shirts,” in the same way that Chinese food in China is just called “food.”)

                So before Barack Obama claims he was born in Hawaii, he would have to prove that anybody is born there. Everyone there is a tourist. There are no natives.

                I am a master of attention to detail. Just ask Amber, Bambi, Chantrelle, Diamond, Elektra, Fantasia, and Goldie, or whatever the heck those nice ladies called themselves. (Diamond was from Venezuela, for those obsessed with her birth certificate. I pointed out the best diamonds were from South Africa, ending the conversation.)

                These women know everything about life on the island. They know everyone. They are absolutely qualified to discuss the lives of politicians based on the notes in their diaries I was not permitted to see. If Barack Obama had visited, the world would know about it.

                The only thing to do is to declare the issue of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate closed. After all, he never bothered me when he was a toddler. Barack Obama as an adult bothers me. So the issue to me is not where he was from, just that when I go somewhere nice such as Hawaii that he stays away.

                The only thing worse than his policies are the traffic congestion caused by his visits.

                Since some Americans will never let this issue go, then perhaps the only solution is to dig deeper. This require many more trips to Hawaii and many more interviews. Ava, Barbie, Chandra, Daniella, Eloisa, Fara, and Glory had better be prepared for some tough questions.

                I want the truth. I will not rest until they spill

              • Was this you, who wrote this, Maxie, or was your computer hacked by Anonymous, just to make you look like an idiot?

                “That is my point: You are not having a “real discourse.” You are merely expressing your rage at a judge or a radio personality who had the audacity to puncture your hermetically sealed world of political correctness. “

              • max.bucks

                You obviously need help.

                “Arizona sheriff says Obama’s birth certificate a “forgery ” (March 1, Reuters)


                See the forensic analysis here:

                — Max Bucks

              • Sheriff Joe is a racist crook who consorts with Neo-Nazi thugs.

                He’s a collosal liar. The feds are all over him and have removed him from the 287g program.

                Strange set of heroes you have, Maxie.

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