Now I’m Starting to Get It: The MT GOP is Repenting by Legislating (Rep. James Knox as Example)

by jhwygirl

In a post titled “Profiting from Hypocrisy“, blogger montanafesto exposes the troubled hypocrisy of Rep. James Knox and his pro-repeal medical marijuana stance. First the video:

Read montanafesto’s post. Rep. James Knox offered his services to a medical marijuana business, at a greatly discounted price because his business “was slow.”

There’s more – montanafesto takes Knox on in Facebook…and now, apparently, an email has been removed from the website because Knox was threatening his lawyers.

Neither here nor there, now…the Billings Gazette has picked up the story.

Wonder if Knox has threatened to sue them, too?

So all this insane personal intrusion schizophrenic state-rights/anti-state rights Montana Republican party-led legislating has me now more than just barely pondering: What is it these guys and gals are doing up there? Rep. Warburton is obsessed with making my vagina a crime scene….Rep. Kristin Hansen wants to treat LGBTQ human beings as something less than such, and now we have Knox falling all over himself to provide discounted services to the medical marijuana community.

What is it they say? People in glass houses should not be throwing rocks?

What else is there to explain this regressive hate-filled legislation? There’s a ton of it out there.

Kuddos to you, montanafesto!

  1. Directly from the Billings Gazette story:

    Asked if he, Knox, ever sold marijuana, Knox said, “No, not that I can recall.”

  2. Seriously, if a substance is the reason you claim your brother “is never coming back”, you’d think you could recall without any doubts that you’d never sold it. As a republican, I’m humiliated by this legislature and by these hypocrites.

  3. Thank you, lizard. I never dreamed I would be thanked by liberals for any of my posts. I always expected to have nothing in common with Montana’s political blogs as there are so few conservative ones.

    I’ve been begging the GOP since the session began to stop giving me so much to beat up on them about. As anxious as I am to get back to beating up on liberals, I’ve also discovered that there is more common ground than I ever imagined.

    • If we focused more on what we have in common, we’d all get a lot more done imo.

      It’s a matter of mind set.

    • Carfrestupidity

      A grat series of posts. You would think that Knox would have figured out he’s his own worst publicist.

      Hypocrisy looks about the same coming from either side of the aisle. It is only the hyper-sensitive MSM that latches on to the smallest details and blows them into headlines that drives common sense out of the public dialogue. Divide and conquer is a very effective stratagem.

  4. Montana Cowgirl

    Nice post jhwygirl and thanks for your help spreading the word about Knox and your other great work!

  5. Jake

    Hypocricy seems to be almost a badge of honor amongst the local crop of republicans in Helena. In the fanatical desire to”throw all the bums out” in the last election we have outdone ourselves by a margin that, I persoally, could never imagined. I am from Havre so you can feel my pain. We gave you some dandies.

    sen hutton must be a fan of sarah palin because he is quitting his job halfway through so that he can go onto bigger and better things. At least he has the courtesy to take his brand of bullshit and hate to another state and we should thank him for that.

    Rep. wendy wants private militias and the right to take loaded weapons to work. She wants these weapons available in case she is attacked in the parking lot on the way home from work. She hasn’t explained how this would work since the guns would have to be locked in her car. OKAY

    a portion of this comment is in hold. Please contact me at hotmail

    All of these people ran on creating jobs for Montanans and were elected on that platform, not cutting benefits for poor people. Where are the jobs assholes?

  6. the MT GOP has lost all credibility in this session of the legislature. it is almost as if they are following a script written by an enemy of the GOP to make sure that they hasten their doom.

    either that, or………

    it is clearly a case of the willfully ignorant being led by the criminally insane.

  7. ladybug

    The unintended image of Knox wearing a yarmulke (on my screen anyway) could be a scene from Israel’s cabinet. Fundamentalists on all sides think “the other” is the problem. One would think after thousands of years of wall-worship, and violence, we might eventually find different answers in Jerusalem. It is the source. Helena is the echo.

    Fundamentalists everywhere are quick to invoke abuse and violence as THE path to peace.
    Helena is the off-Broadway production of the same play repeating itself. With aspirations for the big stage, these actors still need to work on their lines.

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