Archive for November 5th, 2008

by jhwygirl

Provisional ballots in HD-100’s race – Bill Nooney v Democrat Willis Curdy could bring the final count in that race (currently 2195 Nooney – 2162 Curdy) into Curdy’s favor. 868 provisional ballots, to be counted on Monday, may hold those votes.

In Laurel, HD-59 “Doc” Woerner is down by 22 votes to Krayton Kerns (Republican). The less-than-1%-spread there means a recount is likely. A bit of trivia here – which you will get out of that link – is that Kerns took his seat only after a recount in 2006.

by Jamee Greer

This nifty little map from the NY Times shows how Montana experienced one of the farthest shifts to the left between the 2004 election and yesterday.

Thanks to Audra for the link

by Rebecca Schmitz

My mom, who lives in Stevensville, called me bright and early (a little too bright and early–I was celebrating downtown until the wee small hours) this morning. She was horrified by the election results in Ravalli County: Bitterrooters voted overwhelmingly for Elaine Sollie Herman, and against the school levy in Hamilton and Legislative Referendum 118, the 6 mill levy. What the hell? Doesn’t anyone value education up there?

Boy, sometimes the Bitterroot makes Gallatin County look almost sane.

by Jay Stevens

As I mentioned late last night on LiTW (no link, ha), the GOP had captured the Senate. Not a big surprise. But what is a big surprise is that it looks like they’ll control the House, too. It’s a surprise because the Republicans had to defend so many seats, and they were working in an election with a large grassroots presence working for a Democratic president.

Right now, it looks like the Senate stands at 27 Republicans and 23 Democrats; and the House at 50 Republicans and 49 Democrats.

That’s right, the math is off. There’s one race that’s still in doubt. HD 63, featuring a good friend, JP Pomnichowski, where returns are not all in. Also there are still absentee ballots that are trickling in that may affect other races, too.

In any case, it looks like the Democratic wave swept up the statewide races, but failed to reach down into the local races.

Thoughts? Updates?

The Day After links…

by Jay Stevens

Yes, Left in the West is down. Once again, it’s domain issues. Matt’s on it, so the site should be up…soon?

Anyhoo, I’ve still got an account here, I might as well use it!

Without further ado…

The speech.

McCain’s concession speech. Classy. Sincere. Generous. Concilatory. Demonstrating exactly why he lost: he didn’t run on his best qualities, but his worst. If this man ran for president, the outcome might have been different. The crowd, on the other hand…

You guessed it: this election broke all sorts of turnout records.

Obama’s family in Kenya celebrates! Pity the bulls, chickens, and goats.

Chris LaTray: “I made no secret that I am not a fan of Obama’s policies, nor did I vote for him. Nonetheless, I am pleased he won, and I find myself caught up in the excitement and historic nature of the moment. I think the result of this election shows that this country hasn’t surrendered to cynicism, which is a grand thing. Hopefully all the hopes that people have pinned on Obama come true.” I gave Chris a hard time for voting for Nader; once again, Chris demonstrates why he’s classier than I am.

From an interview with a young liberal: “This is the first time I ever feel like I voted for somebody. He’s such an orator. He really seems to stand for what he says. He can sell you anything—which is also what’s scary about him. But at the same time, he sold me. I’m so excited about him being the president. I feel like this is a momentous thing. If he wins, Seattle will feel a big sense of relief. Not usually do you see 20-somethings this worried about something like this. Hopefully, it’ll go our way.”

Conservative reaction was just about what you’d expect.

In many cities, people spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate Obama’s victory. Here are some picks from Seattle. In Washington DC, a thousand people gathered in front of the White House to celebrate. Let’s hope they disturbed the sleep of the current resident.

Steve Benen points out that the polls were pretty dang accurate this year — and kudos to Nate Silver for nailing the final results. Incidentally, Montana went for McCain, 50-47, just about what all the polls were telling us.

If you’re into this kind of thing, David Paul Kuhn has the demographic makeup of Obama’s support. But then Obama’s campaign really didn’t worry much about demographics, did it?

Kevin Drum thinks of Hillary Clinton during all of this: “She ran in one of the toughest Democratic primaries ever, against one of the party’s most talented politicians in recent memory, and she took a lot of abuse during that primary — some of it deserved, most of it not. But in the end, despite what must have been a bitter and searing loss, she campaigned tirelessly and wholeheartedly for the man who beat her. This is something that a lot of people doubted she’d do, and frankly, we all owe her some recognition and gratitude for her role in tonight’s victory. Hillary has always been unambiguously dedicated to the Democratic Party and the cause of liberalism, and I think she proved that in the most concrete way possible over the past two months.” Amen.

Democrats have picked up at least five seats in the Senate. Oregon, Minnesota, Alaska, and Georgia are still undecided. Minnesota is likely headed towards a recount, and a four-week runoff is possible in Georgia. If Democrats win all four — and that’s not probable right now — that would give them 58 seats, not counting independents Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders.

The last Congressional district held by a Republican in New England last night went blue.

by jhwgirl

This is becoming an election season regular occurrence..but da*n it, I’m lost without that morning cup’o Left.

On another note – What is UP with Gallatin County and the state house race? Still only 78% reporting.

Updated numbers below. Still ain’t calling nothing on the SOS numbers yet…

by jhwygirl



by jhwygirl

1 a.m.

Just plain “Wow.”

Whoda’ thunk we’d be succinctly knowing the outcome of the presidential election before 10? Anyone? Seriously?

McCain showed a hell of a lot of class in his concession speech. Obama has never eliminated the possibility of a cabinet position for him. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Downtown Missoula is absolutely nuts right now. I saw Uncle Sam and flag-drapped citizens marching the streets, clanging pots and pans. The block over there by the Elks Club is one major party scene…and they’re probably starting on their 2nd parade by now. I think there were plans to march the Madison Street Pedestrian bridge…but what in the hell do I know.

Major state races aren’t quite put to bed yet – that Secretary of State race is quite the nail-biter – and both Attorney General and State Auditor aren’t, either, sewn up yet. 89% reporting…

Nationally there are some major wins-

North Carolina said see-ya to Libby Dole – she lost by 9 percentage points to state legislator Kay Hagen. If I’m remembering correctly, this will be the first time in like 45 years that neither a Bush nor a Dole have been in Washington DC.

Tom Udall (D) takes New Mexico in a landslide. 61 to 39%. This was neocon Pete Domenici’s seat – and Udall’s win brings 2 Democratic Senators to Washington.

Mark Udall (D) (yep, those overachieving Udall brothers) takes Colorado by a tidy 9 point win over Bob Schaffer. This is another Democratic gain – the seat having been held by two-term Republican Wayne Allard, who decided not to seek re-election. Colorado, too, now brings 2 Democratic Senators to Washington.

Tom Mark Warner gains the Democrats another seat in Virginia. A resounding 30 point win there, too.

New Hampshire brings yet another Democratic gain with Jeanne Shaheen taking out another neocon (and incumbent) John Sununu. 7 point win there.

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